UNIGE students (OUT)
Archive - partner course offerings
Course offering closed for applications
Autumn 2024 (Closed)
4EU+ Alliance
The 4EU+ course offering is updated regularly. Please consult the Student Portal frequently to find out.
Application deadlines for the 4EU+ partner universities:
- Sorbonne Univeristy: 30.08, 03.09, or 12.09.2024 depending on the course
- University of Milan: 12.09.2024
- Heidelberg University: 22.09.2024
- Charles University: 22.09.2024
- University of Warsaw: 22.09.2024
LERU Virtual Exchange
LMU Munich
Faculty: Medicine
Dates: 02.10.2024 - 10.12.2024
Deadline to send applications: 17.09.2024
Description: Antibiotic resistance is a global health threat because many infections caused by resistant bacteria in humans and animals are difficult to treat with the available antibiotics. Thus, antibiotic resistance is considered a "One Health" problem that affects the lives of humans, animals, and the environment. This phenomenon is mainly due to the ability of bacteria and their genes to spread reciprocally between species. However, the overuse and abuse of antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine and agriculture can significantly increase the spread and persistence of antibiotic resistance in various ecosystems. For instance, if we focus on one of the vital elements, “water”, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and their genes have been found in sediments, lakes, oceans and rivers. The presence of antibiotic resistance in marine ecosystems can be attributed to discharges from farms, aquaculture, pharmaceutical companies, human waste, and hospitals. This has global implications for wildlife, marine life, and human life.
This course, therefore, links these two priority topics: antibiotic resistance and marine conservation, under the "One Health" approach, as they are interconnected and have widespread implications for the human, animal, and environmental health.
Target public: Bachelor/Master/PhD students in human health, animal health, environmental studies and social studies
Language: English
Prerequisites: No prerequisites
Modality: Asynchronous with synchronous sessions via Zoom (6 sessions)
Faculty: Entrepreneurship
Dates: 23.10.2024 - 29.01.2025
Deadline to send applications: 14.10.2024
Description: The course introduces entrepreneurship as an effective tool for implementing sustainable innovations. They will be introduced to entrepreneurship and learn about impact as a guardrail for funding. Which stakeholders are important for entrepreneurs will be discussed and how impact can be presented and measured holistically. Students will also be taught how to develop sustainable business models, finance startups, and protect them in the long run.
Study cycle: Bachelor
Language: English
Prerequisites: No prerequisites
Modality: Asynchronous with 2 synchronous sessions
Faculty: Medicine
Dates: 06.01.2024 - 31.03.2025
Deadline to send applications: 20.12.2024
Description: This course will introduce students to the connections between climate change and health. The content material provides a framework to understand the basic mechanisms of climate change and the extent of its impacts on human and animal health, identifying the connection between planetary challenges and local threats. Role-playing exercises encourage the practice of thinking systemically, adopting holistic perspectives, and working with creativity and collaboration to find immediate and long-term solutions.
Target public: Bachelor/Master/PhD students in human health, animal health, environmental studies and social studies
Language: English
Prerequisites: No prerequisites
Modality: Blended - asynchronous with synchronous sessions via Zoom (4-5 sessions)
The Université de La Réunion offers 13 online courses in various fields (Humanities, Urbanism, Sport Sciences, etc.):
- Histoire des médias : de la presse écrite à Youtube en passant par la radio et Netflix (2 ECTS) - New
- Initiation aux surf studies (2 ECTS) - New
- Introduction à l'étude des musiques populaires (2 ECTS) - New
- Les sociétés plurielles de l'océan indien (2 ECTS)
- Maloya bouzé bouzé : un art musical ancestral en devenir (2 ECTS)
- Concevoir et fabriquer la ville : la démarche écoquartier (2 ECTS)
- Géographie des sports (2 ECTS)
- Le sport dans l'outre-mer français (2 ECTS)
- Développer sa culture numérique - L1 / L2 / L3 (2 ECTS)
- Initiation aux Langues du Monde: Coréen - niveau grand débutant (2 ECTS)
- Initiation aux Cultures du Monde : Civilisation indienne (2 ECTS)
Application deadline: 12.09.2024
The Université Côte d'Azur offers 13 online courses in various fields (Economics, Humanities, Arts, etc.):
- Analyse des réseaux (5 ECTS)
- Microéconomie intermédiaire (5 ECTS)
- International trade (5 ECTS)
- Industrial economics (5 ECTS)
- Econometrics (5 ECTS)
- European economics (5 ECTS)
- Environmental economics (5 ECTS)
- Empathie, compétences psychosociales et bien-être (1 ECTS)
- Culture russe, IX-XV ss. Culture russe Débutant I (2 ECTS)
- Culture russe XVIII s. Culture russe Pré-intermédiaire 3 (2 ECTS)
- Langue portugaise pour débutants (2 ECTS)
- Portugais (2 ECTS)
- Textes et auteurs de la littérature française (6 ECTS)
Application deadline: 20.08.2024
For more information on the eMobi@Dg2 courses on offer (prerequisites, level of study, course dates, etc.) and to apply, please visit the eMobi@Dg2 website.
Spring 2024
4EU+ Alliance
The 4EU+ course offering is updated regularly. Please consult the Student Portal frequently to find out.
LERU Virtual Exchange
LMU Munich
Faculty: Medicine
Dates: 22.04 - 31.07.2024
Deadline to send applications: 01.04.2024
Description: In this course, students will gain a basic understanding of Global Health. The course consists of a blended learning system, including synchronous (3 sessions) and asynchronous units. In the asynchronous sessions, the participants will be led through the theoretical foundations of global health, the effects of globalisation on health and the burden of disease, the different determinants of health, ethical issues involved in health, strategies to improve global health and working in an interdisciplinary environment, through self-study with interactive elements on Moodle. Participants will also see illustrative examples of current Global Health issues. During the synchronous sessions, participants will meet online via ‘Zoom’ and form groups and present their project. The learned content will be reviewed in interactive tasks on Moodle. As a final assignment, participants will work on a group project which they will present in the final synchronous session.
Study level: Bachelor / Master / PhD
Language: English
Prerequisites: No prerequisites
Additional information: The module will last for 12 weeks, and is designed for around 90 working hours (3 ECTS), including 30 hours working with online material and meetings and around 60 hours self-study and project work
Synchronous sessions: 22.04.24, 16:00-17:00 (CEST) / 21.05.24, 16:00-17:00 (CEST) / 15.07.24, 16:00-18:00 (CEST) / 16.07.24, 16:00-18:00 (CEST)
Faculty: Entrepreneurship
Dates: 24.04 - 10.07.2024
Deadline to send applications: 01.04.2024
Description: The course introduces entrepreneurship as an effective tool for implementing sustainable innovations. They will be introduced to entrepreneurship and learn about impact as a guardrail for funding. Which stakeholders are important for entrepreneurs will be discussed and how impact can be presented and measured holistically. Students will also be taught how to develop sustainable business models, finance startups, and protect them in the long run.
Study cycle: Bachelor
Language: English
Prerequisites: No prerequisites
Modality: Asynchronous with 2 synchronous sessions
Faculty: Medicine
Dates: 06.05 - 01.06.2024
Deadline to send application: 15.04.2024
Description: The One Health Core Competencies course consists of a blended learning system, including synchronous and asynchronous units. In the asynchronous sessions, the participants will be led through the theoretical foundations of interdisciplinary teamwork, systems thinking and the One Health approach through self-study with interactive elements on the Moodle-platform. Participants will also see illustrative examples of current One Health scientific cases. During the synchronous sessions, participants will meet online via ‘Zoom’ and work together as multi- and interdisciplinary teams. They will reflect and discuss on the One Health approach and solve a real-world One Health problem using an interactive problem-based learning method. The learned content will be reviewed in interactive tasks on Moodle. As a final assignment, participants will develop a written report – the “Mission Plan” for solving the One Health problem.
Target public: Bachelor / Master / PhD students in human health, animal health, environmental studies, and social studies
Language: English
Prerequisites: No prerequisites
Additional information: The module will last for 8 weeks and is designed for around 90 working hours (3 ECTS), including 30 hours working with online material and meetings and around 60 hours self-study and project work
Synchronous sessions: 08.05.24, 15:00-16:00 (CEST) / 05.06.24, 15:00-16:30 (CEST) / 17.06.24, 15:00-16:30 (CEST) / 19.06.24, 15:00-16:30 (CEST) / 01.07.24, 15:00-16:30 (CEST)
Faculty: Medicine
Dates: mid-May - mid-July 2024
Deadline to send applications: 15.04.2024
Description: This course is intended to help students learn how to share their message through the creation of stunning, professional and informative digital stories. The course consists of the following sections:
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Digital Storytelling and One Health
- Chapter 2: Script Writing
- Chapter 3: Storyboarding
- Chapter 4: Implementation and Feedback
- Chapter 5: Final Feedback and Certificate
Study cycle: Bachelor / Master
Language: English
Prerequisites: No prerequisites
Modality: Asynchronous with the option of 3 online synchronous sessions
Utrecht University
Faculty: Life Sciences
Dates: 22.04 - 27.06.2024
Deadline to send applications: 21.03.2024
Description: This online course focuses on public engagement in higher education and research. It emphasizes two-way interaction for mutual benefit between researchers and the public. Participants will select a research topic, explore the science-society relationship, and learn about the roles of scientists and the audiences for public engagement activities. Students will design and evaluate a public engagement activity, receive peer feedback, and present a your plan for a public engagement activity.
Study level: Master
Language: English
Prerequisites: No prerequisites
Additional information: Before applying to the course, students must find a scientist (e.g., researcher, teacher) whom they can contact during the course.
Modality: Fully asynchronous; with possibilities to set online meetings with the course's teacher.
Université de La Réunion
Faculty: Arts / Language
Dates: 19.02.2024 - 04.05.2024
Application deadline: 12.02.2024
Description: Ciblé pour le grand débutant, le cours commence par l'apprentissage de l'alphabet Hangeul et propose des grammaires, des dialogues mettant en scène des situations quotidiennes : présentations, salutations, expressions quotidiennes. En outre, chaque leçon présente un aspect particulier de la culture coréenne. Comme les noms propres, la vie quotidienne et les cultures traditionnelles et modernes. Plus précisément, les deux premières leçons sont des leçons préparatoires présentant l'alphabet Hangeul : les voyelles et les consonnes, leur prononciation, les règles de construction des syllabes, etc.
Study cycle: Bachelor
Language: French (DELF B1 requis)
Prerequisites: No prerequisites
Modalities: Synchronous - Thursday, 16h-18h or Thursday, 18h-20h (UTC+4; Swiss time: 13h-15h or 15h-17h)
Additional information: Course support : Le manuel « J’apprends le coréen » LingAsia par Mme CHOI Yumi >> Link to the course syllabus
Faculty: Lettres
Dates: 19.02.2024 - 04.05.2024
Application deadline: 12.02.2024
Description: Ce cours proposera un panorama de l’histoire impériale de la Chine de ses origines néolithiques jusqu'à la fin de la dynastie Qing. L’objectif général de ce cours sera donc de montrer la construction de l’empire chinois, sur la base de plusieurs cultures régionales et asiatiques, et la construction de dynastie successives, chacune ayant eu un impact sur la civilisation chinoise. En exposant les évolutions des savoirs et techniques, la première partie « De la culture de Yangshao à la dynastie Sui » va exposer les bases de l’art chinois, des croyances traditionnelles, et des courants philosophiques influençant les clans répartis sur le territoire chinois.
Study cycle: Bachelor
Language: Français (DELF B2)
Prerequisites: No prerequisites
Modalities: Synchronous - Wednesday, 18h-20h (UTC+4; Swiss time: 15h-17h)
Additional information: >> Link to the course syllabus
Faculty: Sciences humaines / Lettres
Dates: 19.02.2024 - 04.05.2024
Application deadline: 12.02.2024
Description: Ce cours se propose de vous aider à développer vos connaissances sur les îles du Sud-ouest de l'océan Indien. Pour une familiarisation avec l'océan Indien, les pays qui le bordent, les îles de l'océan Indien et les modes de vie développés :
- Connaissances historique, géographique, linguistique et culturelle des îles du Sud-ouest de l'océan Indien (L'Union des Comores, La Réunion, Les Seychelles, Maurice, Madagascar, Mayotte).
- Savoir se repérer dans l'espace (délimiter l'océan Indien, localiser son territoire et ceux qui nous entourent).
- Maîtriser des notions spécifiques : île, insulaire, insularité, archipels, sociétés plurielles, altérité, indianocéanie (des îles différentes mais avec des traits communs ; entre similitudes et différenciations).
Un exemple de coopération régionale inter îles : la Commission océan Indien. Exemple de La Réunion : Société créole et interculturelle.
Study cycle: Bachelor
Language: Français (DELF B2)
Prerequisites: No prerequisites
Modalities: Asynchronous
Additional information: >> Link to the course syllabus
Apply by 12.02.2024 via the website https://www.emobi-uni.org/ and do not hesitate to write to emobi-dg2(at)univ-reunion.fr to notify your wish to register for one of the University of La Réunion's courses.
Université Côte d'Azur (Closed)
Faculty: Economic sciences
Dates: 05.02.2024 - 19.04.2024
Application deadline: 15.01.2024
Description: The aim of the course is to introduce the main economic debates and challenges raised by the process of European integration. The course is taught entirely in English, and mainly uses the tools of microeconomics studied in 1st year.
Study cycle: Bachelor
Language: English (DELF B2 required)
Prerequisites: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics 1
Modalities: Asynchronous + 1 meeting every 2 weeks
Faculty: Sciences économiques
Dates: 05.02.2024 - 16.04.2024
Application deadline: 15.01.2024
Description: Le cours vise à analyser des débats économiques et sociaux contemporains en utilisant l'analyse microéconomique (modèles théoriques et quelques notions d'économétrie). Les sujets abordés dans le cadre du cours sont : (i) le lien entre salaire minimum et emploi, (ii) les politiques de réduction de temps de travail, (iii) les modalités de versement des prestations sociales, (iv) la possibilité de mettre en place un revenu universel.
Study cycle: Bachelor
Language: French (DELF B2 requested)
Prerequisites: Microeconomics 1
Modalities: Asynchronous + 1 meeting every 2 weeks
Faculty: Sciences économiques
Dates: 04.03.2024 - 31.05.2024
Application deadline: 01.02.2024
Description: Environmental economics is a field of economics that studies the interaction between the economy and the environment. It looks at the origin of this interaction and tackles the problem of how to organise it properly.
Human life is synonymous with activities to provide food, buildings, heating, transport, lighting and so on. These activities affect the environment's ability to provide us with essential services. The symptoms of this situation are damage to ecosystems, well-being, health, life and so on. Social trade-offs are therefore necessary. Environmental economics is rooted in this observation. Its aim is to guide individual and collective trade-offs so that the environment is taken into account in economic decision-making processes concerning production, consumption, investment, etc. It is therefore defined as the study of the interdependence of human society and the environment and the best way of governing this interdependence.
The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to the study of these issues.
Study cycle: Bachelor
Language: English (DELF B2 requested)
Prerequisites: Microeconomics 1
Modalities: Asynchronous + 5 online meetings
Autumn 2023
4EU+ Shared Courses
The University of Warsaw offers more than 30 courses in Social and Political Sciences, Humanities/Arts, Management, and Sciences. Please find below a PDF document summerising the courses offered by the University of Warsaw for this Fall semester.
Registration deadline: 08.10.2023
For more information on courses and application procedures for the University of Warsaw, please visit the 4EU+ Student Portal.
Application deadline: 15.08.2023
Course name |
Level of study |
Dates |
Language |
2 |
Bachelor (BA3) |
02.10.2023 – 19.01.2024 |
English |
6 |
Master |
18.09.2023 – 01.12.2023 |
French and English |
4 |
Bachelor / Master |
15.09.2023 – 30.04.2024 (2 semesters) |
French |
Museum, monument, memorial site in Central, Eastern and Balkan Europe |
3 |
Master |
18.09.2023 – 15.12.2023 |
French and English |
Représentations de la violence et modernité littéraire in Eastern and Central Europe |
3 |
Master |
26.09.2023 – 22.05.2024 (2 semesters) |
French and English |
3 |
Bachelor / Master / PhD |
11.09.2023 – 22.12.2023 |
English |
3 |
Bachelor / Master / PhD |
11.09.2023 – 22.12.2023 |
English |
3 |
Bachelor / Master / PhD |
11.09.2023 – 22.12.2023 |
English |
For more information, please refer to Sorbonne University's offer on the 4EU+ Student Portal.
The University of Milan (UniMi) offers more than 20 courses in various fields (Humanities, Social and Political Sciences, Law, Economics, Biology, etc.).
Please find below a PDF document summerising the courses offered by UniMi.
Registration deadlines: 12.09.2023 or 27.09.2023 (depending on the course).
For more information on courses and application procedures for the University of Milan (UniMi), please visit the 4EU+ Student Portal.
The University of Charles offers more than 60 courses in many fields.
For more information on the courses offered by Charles University this Fall semester, please visit the 4EU+ Student Portal.
Registration deadline: 29.09.2023
Charles University online courses - Fall 2023
The University of Heidelberg offers 17 courses in various fields, mainly in Arts/Humanities and Translation, but also in Social Sciences and International Law.
Please find below a PDF document summerising the courses offered by the University of Heidelberg this Fall semester.
Registration deadline: 30.09.2023
For more information on courses and application procedures for the University of Heidelberg, please visit the 4EU+ Student Portal.
LERU Virtual Exchange
LMU Munich
Faculty: Medicine
Dates: 22.01.2024 - 05.04.2024
Deadline to send applications: 18.12.2023
Description: The present course will introduce students to the connections between climate change and health. The content material provides a framework to understand the basic mechanisms of climate change and the extent of its impacts on human and animal health, identifying the connection between planetary challenges and local threats. Role-playing exercises encourage the practice of thinking systemically, adopting holistic perspectives, and working with creativity and collaboration to find immediate and long-term solutions.
Target public: Bachelor / Master / PhD students in human health, animal health, environmental studies, and social studies
Language: English
Prerequisites: No prerequisites
Modality: Blended - asynchronous with synchronous sessions via Zoom (4-5 sessions)
Faculty: Medicine
Dates: 13.11.2023 - mid-February 2024
Deadline to send applications: 20.10.2023
Description: This course links these two priority topics: antibiotic resistance and marine conservation, under the "One Health" approach, as they are interconnected and have widespread implications for the human, animal, and environmental health.
Target public: Master / PhD students in human health, animal health, environmental studies, and social studies
Language: English
Prerequisites: No prerequisites
Modality: Asynchronous with synchronous sessions via Zoom (6 sessions)
Faculty: Medicine
Dates: 02.10.2023 - 20.12.2023
Deadline to send applications: 12.09.2023
Description: This course is intended to help students learn how to share their message through the creation of stunning, professional and informative digital stories. The course consists of the following sections:
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Digital Storytelling and One Health
- Chapter 2: Script Writing
- Chapter 3: Storyboarding
- Chapter 4: Implementation and Feedback
- Chapter 5: Final Feedback and Certificate
Study cycle: Bachelor / Master / PhD
Language: English
Prerequisites: No prerequisites
Modality: Asynchronous with the option of 3 online synchronous sessions
Faculty: Medicine
Dates: 30.10.2023 - mid-March 2024
Deadline to send applications: 01.10.2023
Description: In this course, students will gain a basic understanding of Global Health. The course consists of a blended learning system, including synchronous (3 sessions) and asynchronous units. In the asynchronous sessions, the participants will be led through the theoretical foundations of global health, the effects of globalisation on health and the burden of disease, the different determinants of health, ethical issues involved in health, strategies to improve global health and working in an interdisciplinary environment, through self-study with interactive elements on Moodle. Participants will also see illustrative examples of current Global Health issues. During the synchronous sessions, participants will meet online via ‘Zoom’ and form groups and present their project. The learned content will be reviewed in interactive tasks on Moodle. As a final assignment, participants will work on a group project which they will present in the final synchronous session.
Study level: Bachelor / Master
Language: English
Additional information: The module will last for 12 weeks, and is designed for around 90 working hours (3 ECTS), including 30 hours working with online material and meetings and around 60 hours self-study and project work
Prerequisites: No prerequisites
Faculty: Medicine
Dates: 23.10.2023 - 17.12.2023
Deadline to send application: 01.10.2023
Description: The One Health Core Competencies course consists of a blended learning system, including synchronous and asynchronous units. In the asynchronous sessions, the participants will be led through the theoretical foundations of interdisciplinary teamwork, systems thinking and the One Health approach through self-study with interactive elements on the Moodle-platform. Participants will also see illustrative examples of current One Health scientific cases. During the synchronous sessions, participants will meet online via ‘Zoom’ and work together as multi- and interdisciplinary teams. They will reflect and discuss on the One Health approach and solve a real-world One Health problem using an interactive problem-based learning method. The learned content will be reviewed in interactive tasks on Moodle. As a final assignment, participants will develop a written report – the “Mission Plan” for solving the One Health problem.The module will last for 8 weeks, and is designed for around 90 working hours (3 ECTS), including 30 hours working with online material and meetings and around 60 hours self-study and project work.
Target public: Master / PhD students in human health, animal health, environmental studies, and social studies
Language: English
Prerequisites: No prerequisites
Utrecht University
Faculty: Sciences
Dates: 13.11.2023 - 02.02.2024
Application deadline: 11.10.2023
Description: This online course focuses on public engagement in higher education and research. It emphasizes two-way interaction for mutual benefit between researchers and the public. Participants will select a research topic, explore the science-society relationship, and learn about the roles of scientists and the audiences for public engagement activities. Students will design and evaluate a public engagement activity, receive peer feedback, and present a your plan for a public engagement activity.
Study level: Master
Language: English
Prerequisites: No prerequisites / open to all MA students
Additional information: Each student will need to contact a researcher/scientist within the course with whom to collaborate.
For more details about the course, please check the course description on the Utrecht University website.
Course offering 2022-2023
Spring 2023
Alliance 4EU+ Shared Courses
As a UNIGE student, benefit now from more than 100 online courses (Shared Courses) offered by 5 partner universities from the 4EU+ Alliance!
LERU Consortium
Course title | Faculty | Study cycle | Language | ECTS | Dates | Deadlines |
One Health Core Competencies | Medicine | MA / PhD | English | 3 | Mid May- early July 2023 | 02.05.2023 |
Introduction to Global Health | Medicine | BA / MA | English | 3 | 17.04-18.07.2023 | 20.03.2023 |
Cabo de Gata Volcanics Virtual Field Trip | Earth and Environmental Sciences | BA2 - MA | English | 3 | 19.12.2022-13.01.2023 | 01.12.2022 |
Sierra Alhamilla Virtual Field Trip |
Earth and Environmental Sciences | BA2 - MA | English | 3 | 06.02.-17.02.2023 | 09.01.2023 |
For more information, please visit LMU Munich website
Course title | Faculty | Study cycle | Language | ECTS | Dates |
Mass Spectrometry | Pharmaceutical Sciences | MA | English | 3 | 13.02.- 27.05.2023 |
Pharmaceutical Technology | Pharmaceutical Sciences | MA | English | 3 | 13.02.- 27.05.2023 |
European Diversity and Cultural Policy | Arts - Cultural Studies | MA | English | 6 | 13.02.- 27.05.2023 |
Changing Cultures in Europe | Arts - Cultural Studies | MA | English | 6 | 13.02.- 27.05.2023 |
Film & Literature | Arts - Cultural Studies | BA / MA | English | 6 | 13.02.- 27.05.2023 |
For more information, please visit KU Leuven website
eMobi@Dg2 Consortium
Semester period: from 10.01 to 28.04.2023
Arts and Human Sciences Faculty:
Course title | Study cycle | Language | ECTS |
Communication publique, interculturelle et internationale | Bachelor | French | 6 |
Le Québec aux XIXe et XXe siècles | Bachelor | French | 6 |
Approches de la culture numérique | Bachelor | French | 6 |
Faculty of administration sciences - Business, Management and Economy:
For more information, visit eMobi@Dg2 website.
Semester dates: 20.02 - 05.05.2023
Course title | Faculty | Study cycle | Language | ECTS |
Gestion des déchets et enjeux environnementaux | Earth Sciences | Bachelor | French (B1/B2) | 2 |
Développer sa culture numérique | Arts / Institut Indianocéanique | Bachelor | French (B1/B2) | 2 |
Initiation aux cultures du Monde: civilisation indienne | Arts / Maison des Langues (MDL) | Bachelor | French (B1/B2) | 2 |
Apprentissage de la langue coréenne | Arts / Maison des Langues (MDL) | Bachelor | French (B1/B2) | 2 |
Histoire de la Chine: du néolithique à la dynastie Qing | Arts / Institut Confucius de La Réunion (ICR) | Bachelor | French (B1/B2) | 2 |
Confucianisme et taoïsme, des philosophies à redécouvrir | Arts / Institut Confucius de La Réunion (ICR) | Bachelor | French (B1/B2) | 2 |
Introduction à la société chinoise d'aujourd'hui | Arts / Institut Confucius de La Réunion (ICR) | Bachelor | French (B1/B2) | 2 |
Littérature chinoise: des classiques à la science fiction | Arts / Institut Confucius de La Réunion (ICR) | Bachelor | French (B1/B2) | 2 |
Français plus-que-parfait | Arts / Institut de l'illétrisme (ILLET) | Bachelor | French (B1/B2) | 2 |
Prévention des situations d'illétrisme et accompagnement pédagogique | Arts / Institut de l'illétrisme (ILLET) | Bachelor | French (B1/B2) | 2 |
Sociétés plurielles - langage, langues et cultures océan Indien | Arts / Institut de l'illétrisme (ILLET) | Bachelor | French (B1/B2) | 2 |
Course title | Faculty | Study cycle | Language | ECTS | Dates |
Österreich-Ungarn (1867-1918) | Arts | Bachelor | German (B2/C1- Test Daf ou similaire) | 3 | 15.01.- 20.04.2023 |
Deutschland und seine zentraleuropäischen Nachbarn | Arts | Bachelor | German (C1- Zertifikat deutsch ou similaire) | 3 | 15.01.- 20.04.2023 |
Procédure pénale | Law | TBA | French (B2) | TBA | 09.01.- 06.04.2023 |
Semester dates: 30.01-03.06.2023
Course title | Faculty | Study cycle | Language | ECTS |
International business management | Management | Bachelor | English | 3 |
International trade | Management | Bachelor | English | 5 |
Latinamerican cultural diversity | Management | Bachelor | English | 3 |
Global marketing | Management | Bachelor | English | 5 |
Business intelligence with big data | Management | Bachelor | English | 3 |
Find out about other courses offered in Spanish at the Universidad del Rosario and more information on the eMobi@Dg2 website.
Find out about the complete eMobi@Dg2 course offering and registration procedures by clicking on the button below:
Autumn 2022
LERU Consortium
Course title | Faculty | Study cycle | Language | ECTS |
Experimental Drug Delivery Systems | Pharmaceutical Sciences | MA | English | 3 |
Laboratory Automation | Pharmaceutical Sciences | MA | English | 3 |
Organizing Europe: A History of Ideas and Practices | Arts - European Studies Transnational and Global Perspectives | MA | English | 6 |
For more information, please visit KU Leuven website
Course title | Faculty | Study cycle | Language | ECTS |
Virtual Field Trip | Earth and Environmental Sciences | BA / MA | English | 3 |
Introduction to Global Health | Medicine | BA / MA | English | 3 |
One Health Core Competencies | Medicine | MA / PhD | English | 3 |
For more information, please visit LMU Munich website
Course title | Faculty | Study cycle | Language | ECTS |
Concurent Programming | Engineering - Computer science | BA3 | French | 6 |
Quantum Mechanics | Physics | BA3 | French | 6 |
Thermodynamics | Physics | BA3 | French | 6 |
The Bases of Functional Analysis | Mathematics | MA1 | French + english | 12 |
Basic functional analysis | Mathematics | MA1 | French + english | 6 |
For more d'information, please visit Sorbonne Université website
eMobi@Dg2 Consortium
Check out the wide variety of courses offered by 8 partner universities in Europe and around the world!