Virtual Exchange (EN)


Students from partner universities (IN)


As a student registered at one of our partner universities, you can register for one or more online courses offered by the University of Geneva (UNIGE). Find out more about the courses and how to apply below. To consult previous UNIGE course offerings, please visit the archive page.

The course offering for the Autumn 2024 semester will be available soon!


Courses offered by the University of Geneva - Autumn 2024

Dates: 16.09.2024 - 20.12.2024

Exam session: 20.01.2025 - 07.02.2025

Application deadline: 29.08.2024


Introduction to Programming (6 ECTS)

In this course you will learn the basis of programming using the SCALA language for students with no previous experience. You will be introduced to the basic concepts of programming and you will put them into practice during the course's pedagogical activities. You will thus develop skills in the field of computer thinking: analysis of a problem, design of a solution and concrete implementation in the form of a program. As a result, you will have acquired knowledge that will enable you to understand, choose and control the digital environment in which it operates.

Prerequisites: No prerequisites

Study cycle: Bachelor

Language: French audio with English subtitles (accessible to none French-speaking students)

Course format: asynchronous

Chemical Biology (6 ECTS)

This course is a pathway to understanding interdisciplinary research and modern scientific practices in chemical biology, which straddles a nexus between chemistry, biology, and physics. Here, we deconstruct chemical biology into its core components, and repackage the material. In the process we build up for each student a practical and theoretical knowledge bank that will set these students on their way to understanding and designing their own chemical biology experiments.

Prerequisites: Knowledge in the fields of Chemistry, Biology, and/or Biophysics. Please note that the number of places is limited to 12 students and that applications will be subject to selection.

Study cycle: Master / PhD

Language: English

Course format: hybrid - mainly asynchronous course, with 5 synchronous online sessions (dates TBD)

Dénommer le territoire : politiques des toponymes (6 ECTS)

Le cours traite de la dénomination des lieux à toutes les échelles et dans tous les contextes, de ses motivations politiques et ses effets sociaux. Ce champ émergent apparaît comme central dans la construction des environnements humains et du sens dont les sociétés les investissent. Il croise des thèmes identitaires, patrimoniaux, environnementaux, de justice culturelle et sociale et de genre. Il se situe à l'intersection de différentes disciplines qui seront représentées dans les interventions ou les documents : linguistique, géographie, histoire, géomatique, urbanisme, science politique, sociologie, anthropologie, marketing, études genre... Des exercices en sciences citoyennes seront proposés.

Prerequisites: No prerequisites

Study cycle: Master

Language: French

Course format: hybrid - mainly asynchronous course, with 5 synchronous online sessions (on Wednesday 18.09, 16.10, 30.10, 20.11, and 11.12.2024, from 1:15 to 4:00 pm).

More information: L’enseignement est basé sur un MOOC et sur 5 séances de reprise-débriefing et de préparation de travaux originaux de production. Le MOOC aborde l’ensemble des thématiques et des technologies de dénominations dans différents contextes. Ses six modules sont constitués par des interventions de spécialistes largement illustrées et des lectures liées, des quizz permettent de vérifier les acquis pour chaque module. Lors des séances, un retour sur ces acquis est proposé avec de nouveaux exemples et une initiation aux questions de participation et de cartographie citoyenne. Egalement des travaux de production (études de cas sous forme de post de blog) sont préparés et discutés après rendus. Ces travaux de production, en francais ou en anglais, sont individuels mais réalisés dans le cadre de groupe de trois personnes, chaque étudiant-e bénéficie de l’apport critique et documentaire des deux autres membres du groupe pour son travail. Les meilleures études de cas pourront être publiées sur le blog Néotoponymie de la Chaire Unesco « Dénommer le Monde »

Registration process IN

You have chosen the course(s) you are interested in at the University of Geneva? To register, please follow these steps:

When choosing the course you wish to take, please check that your profile meets the course requirements (level of study, language, prerequisites, etc.)

Please check with your faculty and/or virtual mobility coordinator at your home university whether the course you have chosen will be recognized in your programme as a core, optional, or elective course. If the course is not recognized as part of your programme of study, you may still take it as an extracurricular activity.

Prepare the necessary documents for your application:

  • LERU students: Please prepare your most recent transcript of records.
  • 4EU+ students: Please complete the 4EU+ Learning Agreement and prepare your most recent transcript.
  • eMobi@Dg2 students: Please ask for a letter of approval from your university for your chosen course(s). Also prepare an identity document, your last academic transcript, and, if necessary, a language skills assessment.

Your complete application must be sent to us by August 29th, 2024 (Autumn semester) / January 30th, 2025 (Spring semester).*

  • LERU students: Your Virtual Exchange coordinator, after verifying your eligibility, will send us your nomination and your last academic transcript.
  • 4EU+ students: After preparing the necessary documents for your application, please submit your application via this form. All information is detailed on the course sheets available on the 4EU+ Student Portal.
  • eMobi@Dg2 students: After obtaining your university's letter of approval for your chosen course(s), please submit your application via the eMobi website.

*Some late applications can be accepted within the limits of available places.


After receiving your application and confirmation of your selection, you will be contacted to register in the UNIGE system. For this, please prepare the following documents:

  • Photo, passport type (JPG format) - please name your photo as "NAME_Firstname.jpg" (e.g. SCOTT_Eva.jpg)
  • Copy of ID: the page of your passport where all your personal data are printed (PDF format)
  • Transcript of records or copy of your last diploma (Bachelor, Master,...) (PDF format)

You will then be contacted by the Virtual Exchange/4EU+ coordinator of the University of Geneva who will send your IT login and information.

You will then receive information to access to the online course by the faculty or the people in charge of the course.

Archive - previous UNIGE course offering