Virtual Exchange (EN)


Students from partner universities (IN)

Courses offered by the University of Geneva - Spring 2024

Dates: 19.02.2024 - 31.05.2024

Exam session: 03.06.2024 - 21.06.2024

Application deadline: 01.02.2024


International Organizations for Interpreters (2 ECTS)

This course provides a unique perspective on multilateral diplomacy with a focus on language. Tailored for students in conference interpreting, it aims at providing them with the essential tools they will need to navigate the complex world of multilingual multilateral diplomacy. In this course, students will learn about the history, development, structure and inner workings of international organizations, and of course, the question of multilingualism. It also includes virtual visits to international organizations in Geneva and interviews with professionals, offering a tangible insight into multilateralism.

Prerequisites: Being a Master's student in Interpretation

Study level: Master's

Language: English (and some French videos with English subtitles)

Exercer son esprit critique à l'ère informationnelle (3 ECTS)

Aujourd’hui, notamment du fait de l’essor des technologies, nous sommes en permanence assaillis par une multitude d'informations. Pourtant, beaucoup d’entre elles semblent peu fiables voire volontairement mensongères, comme les fake news. Comment exercer son esprit critique dans ce contexte et pour quels enjeux ? Pourquoi les fake news et les théories complotistes peuvent-elles nous apparaître séduisantes ?

Tout au long de ce cours constitué de vidéos, d’interventions d’expert-es et d’activités variées, vous allez appréhender le phénomène de désinformation, en comprendre les ressorts et les manières de le contrer. En termes de compétences vous apprendrez des stratégies pour reconnaître les fausses informations et trouver des sources fiables. Vous analyserez le mécanisme cognitif de flexibilité cognitive, et enfin, vous apprendrez des stratégies concrètes afin de développer votre vigilance informationnelle.

Prerequisites: None

Study level: Bachelor's

Language: French

Cognition sociale (3 ECTS)

Le cours traite de la cognition sociale, c'est-à-dire de l'ensemble des processus cognitifs (perception, mémorisation, raisonnement...) et cérébraux impliqués dans les interactions sociales chez l'être humain. Les principaux chapitres de la cognition sociale (origine du cerveau social, perception sociale, théorie de l'esprit, empathie, etc.) seront abordés, mais le cours traite également de la manière dont le contexte social (culture) peut moduler le système cognitif. La notion de mise en contexte social sous-tend donc l'ensemble des thématiques abordées dans le cours. Le cours sera données sous format vidéo et il sera demandé aux étudiant.e.s de créer un épisode de podcast en lien avec les thèmes abordés en cours.

Ce cours vise à familiariser les étudiant.e.s avec les bases des principes de la cognitions sociale. Ce cours leur permettra d'être introduit aux théories psychologiques de la cognition sociale en abordant les sous composantes de la cognition sociale, ses fonctions et ses bases cérébrales.

Prerequisites: None

Study level: Bachelor's

Language: French

Registration process IN

You have chosen the course(s) you are interested in at the University of Geneva? To register, please follow these steps:

When choosing the course you wish to take, please check that your profile meets the course requirements (level of study, language, prerequisites, etc.)

Please check with your faculty and/or virtual mobility coordinator at your home university whether the course you have chosen will be recognized in your program as a core, optional, or elective course. If the course is not recognized as part of your program of study, you may still take it as an extracurricular activity.

Prepare the necessary documents for your application:

  • LERU students: Please prepare your most recent transcript of records.
  • 4EU+ students: Please complete the 4EU+ Learning Agreement and prepare your most recent transcript.
  • eMobi@Dg2 students: Please ask for a letter of approval from your university for your chosen course(s). Also prepare an identity document, your last academic transcript, and, if necessary, a language skills assessment.

Your complete application must be sent to us by September 1st, 2023 (Fall semester) / February 1st, 2024 (Spring semester).*

  • LERU students: Your Virtual Exchange coordinator, after verifying your eligibility, will send us your nomination and your last academic transcript.
  • 4EU+ students: After preparing the necessary documents for your application, please submit your application via this form. All information is detailed on the course sheets available on the 4EU+ Student Portal.
  • eMobi@Dg2 students: After obtaining your university's letter of approval for your chosen course(s), please submit your application via the eMobi website.

*Some late applications can be accepted within the limits of available places.


After receiving your application and confirmation of your selection, you will be contacted to register in the UNIGE system. For this, please prepare the following documents:

  • Photo, passport type (JPG format) - please name your photo as "NAME_Firstname.jpg" (e.g. SCOTT_Eva.jpg)
  • Copy of ID: the page of your passport where all your personal data are printed (PDF format)
  • Transcript of records or copy of your last diploma (Bachelor, Master,...) (PDF format)

You will then be contacted by the Virtual Exchange/4EU+ coordinator of the University of Geneva who will send your IT login and information.

You will then receive information to access to the online course by the faculty or the people in charge of the course.

Archive - previous UNIGE course offering